Vision Holder Carries Flame

No one ever comes up to me and says they believe in my vision for Rubicon. It’s not that they say they don’t. It’s just that people wait until something’s already a reality before “believing”. And that’s good. Vision, after all, is vision for a reason. Someone has to believe in something long before it becomes reality. They are the holder of the flame. They believe in it long enough for it to become reality. In some ways, that is the primary role of a leader. To hold the vision and incubate it long enough for it to become a reality in the market.
I sometimes want someone to come along and believe in my vision as much as I do. Because that would make it feel same, comforting, real. It would be validating. Which would make it easier for me to believe. There’s an irony in that feeling.
And, I know better.
Now I think I should settle for people not taking down my vision. People who kind of give me a look like “what makes you think you can do it?”. I have a girlfriend who I love dearly who even goes to the point of asking that question in just about every flavor there is. I call her my challenger.
For any of you holding on to a vision, I say disregard anyone who says you cannot make it; fake the confidence, believe in it as if it was already in the rear-view mirror until it is; Never give up; Continue making an effort no matter what, and remember to envision the outcomes as done when you are talking to people on what they will do to carry the flame.

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