To Whom Do You Belong

  It was 1986. The aroma of my mother’s biryani, a chicken rice dish spiced with masala, greeted me as I returned home from my day of classes at the

How Do You Take In Criticism?

Friends always want to know, “Did doing a TED talk make you famous? Rich?” I’m always direct to answer, “not at all*”. So, when the LI editorial team asked me


Most of us long to make a dent in the universe, to leave a world that’s different and better than the one we were born into. Short of being a

The Excuses

When I was getting divorced from my first husband, I spent many months reliving the past. These mental hamster-wheel moments were accompanied by sleepless nights, too much scotch, and –

TEDx: How We Deny Innovation

Innovation! Isn’t it Great?! We just love talking about innovation and thinking about innovation, and tweeting about innovation. But we actually suck at it, for entirely human reasons. There are

Rejecting New Ideas

All innovation starts with ideas. Sure, we talk about innovation as disruptive, or global, or related to market moves, and certainly spread over social media but the universal element of