Meetings are SuperTax of Work

We create a huge tax on everything we do when we insist on meeting more, later. Send stuff out that is best read so we don’t have to spend time

TED Bookstore Curation

This year, I got asked to co-create the TEDbookstore with fellow TEDsters. I mentioned in an earlier post, it was a bit of a “sophie’s choice” moment because I felt

Social Means Freedom, For Better or Worse

This is part II of a series on how the social era affects every business model, from how we organize, what we produce, and what we sell.  (Part I, the

Without a Clear Vision

Vision is crucial. It is utterly irreplaceable. No amount of execution or financial success can replace vision. Why? Because, vision can lead the creative work of an entire tribe. (Not

Yahoo’s ShakeUp Demands Fearlessness

Four longtime Yahoo board members, including the chairman, are leaving the company. In this one move, Yahoo is trying to make a clean break from the past — signaling that

What Barack Obama Could Learn from Vivek Wadhwa

Ever since the presidential election of 2008, I’ve been getting progressively mad about something. I got enthralled with an administration that wanted to connect with people in the social era

8 Dangers of Collaboration

Most of what is written about collaboration is positive. Even hip. Collaboration is championed enthusiastically by the Enterprise 2.0 experts, as well as leading thinkers like Don Tapscott as the