Top 10 Trends for 2007

Top 10 Trends for 2007 High-Tech Markets: 1. The OS matters. With open source, mashups and mobile players all creating different and incompatible platforms, we believe the software platforms of

Technorati: Measuring Volume not Value

Technorati recently published a state of the blogosphere about 2 weeks ago. And I’ve wanted to write on it ever since as an example of being clear on what you

Top 10 Ideas from Web 2.0 Summit

My top 10 ideas or reflections from Web 2.0 conference this week in San Francisco. #1 There’s a real Heirarchy in Value Creation Apps beat features. Online applications beat packaged

Two types of Advisors: those that Critique and those that Create

Have you ever had the feeling that the people around you are there to tell you how something won’t work? Those are called critiques. Having a critique around as an advisor would be like being in the middle of the country and lost trying to get to NYC let’s say, and having someone come by to say, “this freeway won’t take you to there”. Okay, fair enough. But don’t just leave me there, dude. Tell me which one does!

Dash used Stealth just Right

Is there ever a good reason to not tell everything to everybody? Yes, there is. Surprise you that I would say that? In relationships, power is not the key to

Churn and Burn or Ways to Go?

It is true that, over time, strong technology consumer companies will win market share from weak companies. However, there’s one nearly surefire way to make sure you don’t fail. Focus.

Give me that thing called [customer] Love

Just got published on MarketingProfs for what will be a six-part series or “Summer Bootcamp for Business”. For those of you that aren’t familiar yet with, it’s a great

10 Ways to Convince Others to Follow YOU!

At a speech last month at a women’s exec group, one audience member asked “how do I build a business case so I get heard”. Great question. In my day