WalknTalks are Catching On

Hello friends – I haven’t been writing that much on the Yes & Know blog partially because I am still recovering from the adrenaline rush that I got from speaking

Speaking at TED2013

Keeping secrets is incredibly hard. I lack the poker face. So, most times, I just avoid people or situations so I won’t spill the beans. And for many weeks now

In a fragmented world, go deep

I think I have a problem. I cannot go even a few hours without compulsively checking Twitter. I admit to doing what Tiffany Shlain talks about in her movie, Connected,

Is TED Elite?

I see a lot of interesting myths perpetuated about TED, and while I risk being seen as a TED-promoter, I want to take them head-on and — perhaps — help

What Surrounds Us, Affects Us.

We are all connected. We mostly know that. Do we also realize that who we hang with affects our moods, what we think about as valid, it shows up in