The dreaded but great List

I found this an interesting point of view. “List Consciousness is a state of mind that is entirely future-oriented. With a subtle but constant quality of rushing, it operates on

When in Doubt, Pilot

Ever heard this? Let’s go 180 degrees in a different direction, at full speed, with everyone on board, and expect our current business to do great while we turn everything

Grow it .. bigger and wiser

If you were to purposely grow your smarts, you might: – Surround yourself with more creative people, or – Study more (content) ideas, or – Talk more at length debating

Top 10 Trends for 2007

Top 10 Trends for 2007 High-Tech Markets: 1. The OS matters. With open source, mashups and mobile players all creating different and incompatible platforms, we believe the software platforms of

What if I just say it louder?

I’m reminded again that getting others to follow you is an art, not a science. When I set about setting the agenda for our kick-off for the year (January) company

Top 10 Trends for 2007 High-Tech Markets

Rubicon has always served its clients by scouting trends and drawing out the implications to those high-tech companies seeking to craft winning strategies. To help you plan for the new year, here’s a look at what we think is going to matter in 2007, why it’s important, and what we think it means in terms of opportunities.

Worthy Adobe Intel

Check out a good piece of early sleuthing by Malik on Flash as a fundamental platform for software 2.0. Apparently, Adobe’s purchase of amicma suggests some new aspirations for the

There was this whale…

I’m envious of people who can come up with crisp clear descriptions of things, and especially if they can make an analogy that causes it to stick in the mind.