How Do We Measure Progress in Our Careers?

Money is a shitty metric for work. Only you can find the right one. Armand Khoury on Unsplash “I wonder if you’d help me,” you wrote. “How do you measure

It’s what you do that defines you

How often I think of thanking the people who have been helpful. But then, I don’t act on it. Sometimes it’s because I feel like that might make that person


A friend* went to a workshop that the OpEd project runs, whose objective was to teach how to claim and state their opinions so clearly, that they shape the opinions

Upright and Breathing

Yes, I’m alive. Thanks, Andy, for checking in. No, I’ve not written on the blog for nine months.   This is not to say I’ve not written. I’ve written and

Am I Allowed to Log Off The Internet?

When a Parisian friend learned I had rented a house in the south of France this summer, she was like “now, you’re getting the hang of this thing”. And then

How Can I Be A Speaker, Like You?

How did you get that unbelievable keynote/speaking slot/invitation? What can I do to get on the TED stage? How can I be a speaker, like you? Those were 3 questions

Shhh … Don’t Tell My Boss

Being a “slash-career” person, i.e. writer / speaker / researcher / professor, can mean your “boss” is a tyrant-like type who always has a new demand of you, and never