Finding the Core Value Proposition is Key

I recently got introduced to an up-n-coming PLM (product lifecycle management) software vendor who shall remain nameless. There are several notable vendors already in the PLM space including IBM, PTC,

Reflecting our Culture

This funky website has words that are being considered for entry into the Merriam-Webster dictionary. This month’s entry has some that spark my interest: metanoia (noun) : a transformative change

Where is this Software World Going?

I wish I had an answer for the emerging business trends in software, and how they’ll play out. I can’t see the horizon very well but I do have some

Another Cisco Move

Cisco made another move to the vertical security space yesterday. They bought a company for $51M and 27 people that provides them video surveillance capabilities. This acquisition maps well to

Who wants you to be their Leader?

The Wall Street Journal Bookmark’s section this morning reviewed a book called “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?” Besides noting the great title (who came up with that?!), I

Past the Facade of Degrees, Pedigree, and Bios

Want to know who someone is, how insightful they are and what they really care about? Then stop listening to their self-promotion pitch inclusive of the mckinsey-harvard pedigree*, or reading

B2C Marketing Has Its Nuances

Last weekend I wrote about Cisco entering multiple, disparate markets at the same time. While I thought that vertical strategy appears to be a good fit with the strengths and

3 questions to a personality profile

Found this on the web. In 3 questions, it got close. At work, it didn’t mention that I should be in service, or an entrepreneur. Both of which I think

Market Entry Moves by Cisco Warrant Review

For every successful market entry, another 4 fail. I learned that in grad school. One of the few facts that made practical sense, and thus stuck. That metric included every