The Holy Grail of the SMB Market

I've been working with many a new client who wants to reach the SMB market. These are traditional enterprise companies who want to expand. And they the SMB market as

What is it with competitiveness?

A wife of a friend is participating in local politics now and is discovering some new kinds of interactions. One of her "friends" didn't want her to run, as she

Things I learned from Carol Bartz

I had a chance to work with Carol Bartz, CEO and now Chairman of Autodesk. She's a dynamo and one of the best mentors I've ever had. I thank Augie


At Microsoft Silicon Valley offices, at a conference. Sign in the coffee room. "Friends Don't Let Friends go to Dot.coms"

Bouncing Back

I'd like to believe this feeling I'm having now is going to last. I've been given what feels like a second chance. For most of 2006, I've been sick at

The dreaded but great List

I found this an interesting point of view. "List Consciousness is a state of mind that is entirely future-oriented. With a subtle but constant quality of rushing, it operates on

When in Doubt, Pilot

Ever heard this? Let's go 180 degrees in a different direction, at full speed, with everyone on board, and expect our current business to do great while we turn everything