In the Channel: VARs Put a Different Face on SaaS

According to a 2005 AMR Research study of 500 respondents representing companies of all sizes, more than 78 percent said they are currently using or considering SaaS. As ISVs push SaaS applications into the mainstream, ISVs and VARs need to consider likely changes to the channel economic model. One of these changes is likely to be a shift in the balance of power toward full-service VARs. While ISVs will find some of these changes hard to swallow, they need to keep in mind that this is the cost of extending the reach of their applications into additional market segments.

Workforce dynamics

I met with a remarkable executive this week, and she shared a painful thing going on in their management team. Two people are playing some rather competitive games. It's causing

What is it you believe?

As great leaders, we all need to know what we believe and hold true. Because before we really can lead, we need to be able to connect our beliefs with

SaaS avoids the Blue Plate Special

Marketing Profs kindly published part 5 of a 6 part series about 2 weeks back. Just catching up from last week's break, and wanted to share it with you. It's

Alpha Dog: Strategies for Entrepreneurs

This last week, I was on a much, much (MUCH!) needed solo vacation. No client, staff, or family responsibilities. No email, no phones, no computer. Instead, I packed the normal

Give Me That Thing Called Love

Do your customers look at your products with the same eager anticipation as they once did? Have your customers stayed "married" to you? Would you consider them still in love—or waiting it out until someone better comes along?

Don't Be the Dinosaur Brought Down by Mosquitoes

We work in Silicon Valley... and there are a few hundred new acronyms and technologies introduced each year that we need to understand. Being a trusted advisor means that clients need us to be really smart, on top of the latest trends, and interpreting what really matters so we can engage with them to design new, winning business strategies.

Don’t Be the Dinosaur Brought Down by Mosquitoes

We work in Silicon Valley... and there are a few hundred new acronyms and technologies introduced each year that we need to understand. Being a trusted advisor means that clients need us to be really smart, on top of the latest trends, and interpreting what really matters so we can engage with them to design new, winning business strategies.