Curating Greatness

The engineers who become CEO do so because they’re artists of technology. The marketers because they’re sculptors of identity. The finance guys because they’re maestros of money, conductors of cash.

The Success Equation

Human stuff — the soft stuff — is rarely valued. We talk about it, sure. But we don’t change it. We don’t reinvent it. We give lip service to it

People Are Not Cogs

Every day I go to meetings where language suggests people are cogs. With peers in a few CEO roundtables, I’ve heard things like: “I plan on hiring 3 biz dev

The Why Of Meetings

Let me just say what all of us believe: meetings suck. Yet we’re all going to meetings. For most of us, meetings get in the way of us getting actual

42 Rules No one Told You.

I’ve been wanting to find a way to share with you books worth reading. Finally, I’ve settled on doing an interview. I’ve asked Pam Fox Rollin, a coach and leadership

It’s Not Bragging if You Back It Up

If Sunday’s night news taught us nothing else, it was a reminder of how you behave when you have a success is as important as how you behave when you’re

It's Not Bragging if You Back It Up

If Sunday’s night news taught us nothing else, it was a reminder of how you behave when you have a success is as important as how you behave when you’re

We Can’t Agree to Disagree

If [fill in the person] thinks I’ve bought in, they’re crazy.” “Even if [fill in the group] doesn’t believe in our current vision, they’ll believe when they see it.” “I

Culture Trumps Strategy, Every Time

Trust, fights, and child care. When I’m advising start-up teams nowadays, I ask a lot of questions around those three areas. Which makes it sounds more like a marriage counselor’s