Not Checks, but Purpose

This video montage was made from a series of questions/answers on collaboration and management. It contains some vignettes and ideas that matter. Filmed during The Art of Management Conference (where

Humanize Thru Trust

“Do you trust him/her?” The answer to that question determines a lot – whether you follow a leader, and whether others follow you. Given the centrality of this tenant to,

Speed Over Greed

Anyone who wonders why we don’t have more start-ups hasn’t noticed that it is the hardest job in the world. You start from nothing. One team I was working with

Silence Hurts

This essay originally appeared in the collection End Malaria, proceeds from which go to Malaria No More. End Malaria is full of short yet meaningful posts by 61 amazing writers/thinkers.

Collaborate To Save Lives

Collaboration is often used in feel-good ways rather than value-add ways. Having done a book with a theme on creating more collaboration at work, I realize now how many people

Quotas / Women / Boards

One might wonder why I would choose to write about an issue of women and board seats just after taking on a new role as a corporate director of a

Calling: The Fighter

There’s been enough research to show that buy-in happens when people shape the decision. There’s been enough clarity on knowing the “why” causes people to align behind decisions. There’s been

The Excuses

When I was getting divorced from my first husband, I spent many months reliving the past. These mental hamster-wheel moments were accompanied by sleepless nights, too much scotch, and –

It’s the Leadership, Stupid

The morning coffee break had wrapped up and we were back at it, involved in a deep discussion. Some people were at the whiteboard, some debating one another, and some