
Chris, my physical trainer and all around nice guy, recommended Lamb to me and it had me laughing out loud while thinking about my faith in new ways. The story

The 5 Structural Elements of Strategy: Decision-Making

Strategy has 5 Structural Elements – power distribution, decision-making, idea generation, ideas, process and people. Miss tuning one and you’ll fail. Add items that don’t blend and you’ll fail. Decision-Making

The Missing Strategic Ingredient

Part of the difficulty in strategy creation is the temptation to direct rather than ask open-ended questions. When the C-suite sends a directive telling people to head in a certain

I sits, thinks, and writes (and shop)

So I do sit, and think, and write. I do it from coffee shops. I do it in the middle of the night when my son and husband are asleep so i don’t take away from family tie. And after all my solace to think, I start to iterate and shape and mold ideas further with this collaborative team. And then I meet with lots of people who guide and shape and restructure and critique. Hard, and time consuming, but also fruitful.