
Most of us long to make a dent in the universe, to leave a world that’s different and better than the one we were born into. Short of being a

‘Just One Thing’

Michael Bungay Stanier and I have been having fun with his new project, the Great Work MBA. In the process, I asked him about what allows any of us to

Don’t Listen to Everything

Super loved this by Ann Friedman. For all of you trying to create change in the world either as entrepreneurs or writers or simply by choosing to be kickass instead

Just How Powerful Are You?

When you write online, no one checks to see if you have a journalism degree before they start to read. If you experience an earthquake and want to report on

Are You Standing Out Today?

People buy two categories of things. The distinct. And the generic. The distinct items are the things that have a limited commodity, that are artisan in nature, that are worth

Courage Does Not Roar

Today, I was in a room full of remarkable people, making a list of what qualities make someone remarkable. The predictable elements were listed: Hard-working Resourceful Creative Intelligent/ Smart Organized…

Online is the New City

Richard Florida, the Atlantic editor recently wrote: “Cities are our greatest invention, not because of the scale of their infrastructure or their placement along key trade routes, but because they

Steve Jobs’ Legacy: Design Your Own Life

While there are many things worth celebrating of Steve Jobs’ life, the greatest gift Steve gave us is a way to design our own lives. Steve Jobs was known for

Infected with Comparisonitis

I got infected with a terrible disease this week. I didn’t realize it for a bit, but the diagnosis is now complete. I almost don’t want to tell you about