I’m writing a book. Or, at least, I hope to be writing a book. A bunch of the stuff I’m working on now is thinking about who it serves, it’s …
Michele Had Passion but how to capture it?
A friend of mine passed away recently. It was one of those unexpected and out of the blue things that when it happens, it can be said that ‘that happened …
12 Ways of Emotional Intelligence
I give this talk on “having a seat at the table” where i talk about bringing our full self, full values to work. Because, of course, complex decisions require way …
Art of Innovation
My hero. Every time I read an article about Ideo, read their book, read an article about them, I get goose bumps. Ideo is to Innovation what I aspire Rubicon …
Blue Ocean Strategy
An incredibly popular (1M sold in the first year) book with a title I just love. Blue Ocean represents untapped market space. Written by a BCG guy, it’s a good …
Good to Great
I couldn’t start this library section without talking about Good to Great. Jim Collins writes this book to define the ways good organizations can become great. He led a team …
Five Dysfunctions of Teams
I got assigned this book in grad school and probably rolled my eyes at the time. The idea that team dynamics could be captured in 5 dysfunctions! Heck, I could …
Will Europe Let Google Out of the Penalty Box?
Saul Hansell of the New York Times feels that Google’s year in the penalty box may be over. Reuters and Bloomberg report that the European Union is preparing to approve …
1,000 True Fans
Kevin Kelly’s latest entry from ‘The Technium’ continues his take on the long tail. The long tail is famously good news for two classes of people; a few lucky aggregators, …
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