Upside Down, Shake It Up

About 18 months ago, I was sitting teary-eyed and fatigued with my peer CEO group, explaining that I was going to give up. I felt like such a failure. While

Is Sharing a Good Idea?

A good friend of mine, Terri Griffith, lives in these two divergent worlds: First, she’s an expert and enthusiast in the enterprise 2.0 / collaboration workspace. Second, she’s a professor

Must-Read Weekend Reading

Is it only me, or do you believe 4 well-written articles all speak to one big coming change? I’ll let you decide. Things I think are worth reading this weekend.

Enough About You

I remember when I first joined online communities. How foreign it all felt. Who was “out there” that I was tweeting to? Who was going to read the blog that

The Revolution at Home

It might be taking things too far to say that what’s happening in the US is the same as what’s  happening internationally. In the recent uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria,

Stop Squawking; Embody The Change

To embody something, you become the expression of the idea. It’s the difference between saying you support gay marriage and taking the time/energy to throw the party for the couple

Is Success Predictable?

So many teams fail in growth. They blame their strategy, or their tactics, or the market, or bring up some issue about product/market/timing fit was off, or that some people

Online is the New City

Richard Florida, the Atlantic editor recently wrote: “Cities are our greatest invention, not because of the scale of their infrastructure or their placement along key trade routes, but because they

Lesson of Cezanne & The Upcoming Disruption

There was a time when great art was about depicting things as close to what the human eye could capture in real life. And then photography came along. Imagine being