Putting the Power of Connection to Work

Through onlyness, we celebrate that which only we can bring to a situation. And while it is the starting point of how extraordinary value gets created, it is not the

Oprah. Oprah. Oprah.

I’ve been trying to act oh, so nonchalant about it, but my first column appeared over at Oprah.com … It’s on the idea of personal reinvention, and specifically how do

3 Ways To Fuel Your Own Growth

There are 3 things that change you: travel, the people you meet, and the books you read. A few weeks back, at the Foster School of Business Innovation conference, I

Don’t Listen to Everything

Super loved this by Ann Friedman. For all of you trying to create change in the world either as entrepreneurs or writers or simply by choosing to be kickass instead

Brain Tattoo

There’s an idea I’ve held inside my brain, like some kind of brain tattoo, indelibly stamped. It’s been there for some 30-years now. It goes something like this: “You’ll feel

Visible Through Onlyness

Last week, Ellen McGirt (of Fast Company fame) and Susan McPherson (exec at Fenton and expert in CSR) and I co-hosted a Salon to discuss Onlyness, key to #socialera. Onlyness is that thing that only YOU can bring to a situation. As you see yourself, others can see you and the value you bring.

Savor This Moment

It is so easy to keep push, push, pushing. Well, not easy, really. Maybe the better word is conditioned. Through each achievement (or like, or tweet), there’s a rush of

Having a Point of View

“Your writing is better than my writing, but your headlines … they suck.” That nugget of rather direct insight was delivered over a lunch conversation by a best-selling (and incredibly