Must-Read Weekend Reading

[I’ve been developing a Harvard Magazine article on the demise of 800 lb gorillas, and the new rules played by those that replace them, so not as much writing this

It’s the Leadership, Stupid

The morning coffee break had wrapped up and we were back at it, involved in a deep discussion. Some people were at the whiteboard, some debating one another, and some

Curating Greatness

The engineers who become CEO do so because they’re artists of technology. The marketers because they’re sculptors of identity. The finance guys because they’re maestros of money, conductors of cash.

The Why Of Meetings

Let me just say what all of us believe: meetings suck. Yet we’re all going to meetings. For most of us, meetings get in the way of us getting actual

42 Rules No one Told You.

I’ve been wanting to find a way to share with you books worth reading. Finally, I’ve settled on doing an interview. I’ve asked Pam Fox Rollin, a coach and leadership

Can Anyone Innovate?

As I went around the country last year giving leadership, innovation and collaboration talks at major companies and conferences, I started to hear the same question over and over again,

Curing the Yackity Yack Disease

At Apple, my best boss* once walked out of a room, after calling a bunch of us “Yackety-Yakers”.  Even though I’ve lived in the Bay Area of California since I

Fearless Learning

To learn, we must be willing to not yet know. And that means we need to stop silently criticizing ourselves and others for not already knowing the answer. When we

What Surrounds Us, Affects Us.

We are all connected. We mostly know that. Do we also realize that who we hang with affects our moods, what we think about as valid, it shows up in