Enough About You

I remember when I first joined online communities. How foreign it all felt. Who was “out there” that I was tweeting to? Who was going to read the blog that

Online is the New City

Richard Florida, the Atlantic editor recently wrote: “Cities are our greatest invention, not because of the scale of their infrastructure or their placement along key trade routes, but because they

It’s Tribes Not Herds

Twitter lets people find nuggets of ideas, gather and share sentiment, and –most importantly – helps people to find one another. It’s become customary to do “Follow Fridays” (in twitter

Flesh And Blood

Let me just say the truth that no one else wants to tell you: We are sick to death of that grey faceless icon you let be your image on

When Envy is Good

A friend asked me if I was mad at Seth Godin. And I was surprised. And then he reminded me that I had said something like “God damn that Seth

Integration Matters

Wallace Stevens once said, “Perhaps the truth depends upon a walk around the lake”. Well, my own walk has been along a creek. But it did lead me to find

To Leaders Afraid of Twitter

What would you say to the Leader who says “we just shouldn’t be that transparent” or “being transparent in the marketplace will ruin our competitive advantage”? Pam Fox Rollin asked

Social Media: no 1 size fits all

Squirming. That’s what I do when I get an email from someone i want to connect with but it’s the wrong medium. I have to then decide if i want

Fill Your Company with LOVE (Framework)

As companies see increasing value in social media campaigns, it is becoming apparent that the transactional-centric models currently used for tracking and measuring marketing campaigns are not up to the social media challenge. With social media campaigns often focused on brand building and driving engagement, the tools used to measure the impact on sales and brand are ill-suited to accurately measuring the full impact and value of social media campaigns.
The buying or sales funnel that has served marketers well for many years no longer works in an environment now centered on two-way and unstructured communications. A new framework developed at Rubicon Consulting, Inc., building on ideas originally conceived by Harry Max, offers the relationship-centric LOVE model as a replacement–and enhancement–for the transaction-based buying funnel.