When you realize social can affect everything, you can create value entire differently. And that has huge implications for us as leaders, for our organizations and for our economy. But it will mean we need to stop thinking “Social Media” and start thinking about what Social really means — to be connected, purposefully and in community. There is a more sophisticated approach, a new set of constructs and business models where making a profit doesn’t mean losing purpose, community, and connection. Finding the right balance between them is key. What we create next will be the organization design for the future. The value we create next will be rich in many senses of the word.
This is my talk on this idea thread — in many ways a pure business-slant overview of #socialera book. I did it back in June, 2012 at the Dachis Summit in London as it was on the way to my TEDGlobal talk. Since I went on my summer holidays right afterwards, I had actually forgotten this video existed but thought we should add it to the archive by posting it to the blog.