Keeping secrets is incredibly hard. I lack the poker face. So, most times, I just avoid people or situations so I won’t spill the beans. And for many weeks now I’ve wanted to write and tell you this news but I was sworn to secrecy…
I’ve been invited to deliver a talk on the Main Stage at TED2013, in Long Beach. (Link to full list of speakers, here)
The TED conference (an abbreviation of “Technology, Entertainment, Design”) once brought together a few hundred people in California in a single annual event. Today, TED is not just an elite conference, it’s a global phenomenon of “ideas worth spreading.” Getting asked to speak there is like getting invited to the Oscars as an actor. You get their platform to share an idea that you think is worth sharing, well.
If any of you had interacted with me on Thursday (when it went public), my feet were NO where near the ground. So many lovely people wrote and were enthused.
I’ve (mostly) started breathing normal again if only because there’s loads of other stuff to do, and of course the actual work of getting ready to share the idea. I thought you might like to know the news, and in the next few weeks, I will surely share drafts and nuggets of the idea here on the blog where I hope to get your help to develop, shape, and possibly polish it so it’s ready for the sharing with a broader audience.
Hope your year is off to an amazing start, also.

Congratulations, Nilofer!! You are going to rock in Long Beach!
I hope so. If I follow Bono and manage not to pass out from excitement, I think we have a chance to… as you say, Rock. 😉
My prediction is that Bono will pass out first once he sees you and then you are all set 🙂
Incredible honor, Nilofer. Congratulations. Might as well make it a trio with you, Bono and Peter Gabriel there. Start warming up now!
Thanks, Suzanne. It wil be fun and I’m looking forward to showing up fully alive. Which is really ALL any of us can do, right?
I saw you in the speaker line up a few days ago and I was like, YEAH, NILOFER! And right next to BONO!