Asking for Help

From the back seat, he coached me, “Mom, you should apologize to Dad”. I had just finished snapping an abrupt and snappish response to the driver of the car, who

5 Opportunities in ECommerce (Trend)

I’m an insane online shopper. Online wins over in-person for several reasons. One is research based; if I pick well, I only need to pick a few things that last.

Curating Greatness

The engineers who become CEO do so because they’re artists of technology. The marketers because they’re sculptors of identity. The finance guys because they’re maestros of money, conductors of cash.

Netflix Pricing: What Not To Do

Netflix, a service whose adoption rate has been growing at astounding rate of 3.6M users a quarter, has changed the way we watch shows and movies at home. They are

Pursue Happiness

Today we celebrate the right to chase the dream. Or in the language of our forefathers, we celebrate the right to pursue of happiness. We hold these truths to be

Picking the Big Idea

Most of us make things happen, get results, and deliver. But ask us if we’re focused on building our vision, on our big goals or if we even know what

The Biggest Impact

It is tempting to load up our lives with commitments and projects. This allows us to express our many ambitious aims. It feels like we are being creative, and prolific,

When Envy is Good

A friend asked me if I was mad at Seth Godin. And I was surprised. And then he reminded me that I had said something like “God damn that Seth

Integration Matters

Wallace Stevens once said, “Perhaps the truth depends upon a walk around the lake”. Well, my own walk has been along a creek. But it did lead me to find