Success U — Business Model Key Questions

About 110 Series A Entrepreneurs have formed into a collaborative through Montgomery & Associates Law Firm. A few of us industry experts are doing “faculty sessions” where we teach the essentials with the idea that quick, fast bursts of what really matters will help short-cut the learning curve and accelerate success. So a few weeks ago, I spoke at what is now called SuccessU (name is under construction) regarding Business Models, and the following are the video clips and notes from the talk. A PDF is available at the bottom of this entry.

Three Cups of Tea

Just finished this book about a month ago. It hasn’t left my consciousness. Greg Mortenson (a local guy in the Bay Area) tries to summit Everest and fails. The guy

Writing Must Create Context

I’m writing a book. Or, at least, I hope to be writing a book. A bunch of the stuff I’m working on now is thinking about who it serves, it’s

12 Ways of Emotional Intelligence

I give this talk on “having a seat at the table” where i talk about bringing our full self, full values to work. Because, of course, complex decisions require way

Art of Innovation

My hero. Every time I read an article about Ideo, read their book, read an article about them, I get goose bumps. Ideo is to Innovation what I aspire Rubicon

Blue Ocean Strategy

An incredibly popular (1M sold in the first year) book with a title I just love. Blue Ocean represents untapped market space. Written by a BCG guy, it’s a good

Good to Great

I couldn’t start this library section without talking about Good to Great. Jim Collins writes this book to define the ways good organizations can become great. He led a team

Five Dysfunctions of Teams

I got assigned this book in grad school and probably rolled  my eyes at the time. The idea that team dynamics could be captured in 5 dysfunctions! Heck, I could