A friend* went to a workshop that the OpEd project runs, whose objective was to teach how to claim and state their opinions so clearly, that they shape the opinions

On Uber

Uber is very much a part of the new economy, freeing work from jobs, allowing anyone to be an entrepreneur. They are in many ways, the epitome of a “sharing

vigilante justice?

I wrote a new Time Inc Op-Ed (sharing below) on the NFL and Goodell because it’s so clear that if an organization’s leadership is found by the online community to

“Tried” Is No Longer Enough

After many sleepless nights watching and praying for the situation in Ferguson, I wrote this piece. In too many ways, it over simplifies the situation going on in Ferguson. I

To Find New Ideas, Innovate, etc.

Have you ever gone to a conference or workshop where you wondered,  “why am I here”? That turns out to be a good thing — because being exposed to a

What Makes a Great Leader

Chances are you do what is comfortable. But that’s not what makes you successful. What makes you successful is actually to live in the tension of discomfort. If you do