It’s Alive

A while ago, my website kept failing. The song “london bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down” used to play in my head. Some of you have sent late-night emails saying you were surprised to learn about one thing or another on the webosphere, but not here, because I wasn’t organizing things well … Sorry about all that. While I heard the feedback throughout, it took a while to act on it.

Friend and colleague Red Maxwell was the one who convinced me to pay attention. He and I started to create a vision of what my web “home” should be — equally warm and inviting as the playground of the Yes & Know community…  but also sharing content in such a way the full richness of ideas comes easily through. The team was really unbelievable to work with.

So, today, the new site is officially done. Or, as the email from Tim Lenz and Red said today: “It’s Alive!

(YEAH! It’s ALIVE! This was one of those summer projects I thought would be done in August.)

A few things you’ll notice if you wander around: major talks easily accessible vs lost inside blog posts, press mentions all in one spot, major bylines (things I’ve written) found in one place, research nuggets as I “sight” them, and so on. It now has responsive design which means mobile users will have a great experience. Big picture hasn’t changed – knowing how to navigate the social era, powerfully is the reason why you subscribe. And the essays — all 700 some blog posts — from 10 years of thinking/writing/community are all still here.

The one thing that is new:

BlogIcon_Right copyIt looks like this. The idea is to offer ways to bring any idea to action, perhaps with an exercise, a how-to, or a spur of encouragement. It’s not uncommon for buds to get a “homework assignment” when we meet in person. I got encouraged to include that for you digital buds. Even if I write at Oprah, or Wired, or Harvard (or wherever), I’ll add this little “newhowstepact” nugget here. Only here. Only for you. It might take some practice to get right but bear with me/help me.

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