The Value of Perspective

I switched to doing meetings with leaders as hikes — giving us the space and oxygen to get perspective. A friend and I have been trying to plan our next

Is My Work Important?

I’ve been helping someone. And helping. And helping. And now I seriously want to stop. You might think, Nilofer, girlfriend — this is easy: Say NO to the next request,

Fearless Learning

To learn, we must be willing to not yet know. And that means we need to stop silently criticizing ourselves and others for not already knowing the answer. When we

Living the Dream

An entrepreneur & CEO wrote me an email around the holidays that sounded just a bit desperate; enough for me to take time out of family time over the holidays

Why. I. Am. Doing. This.

A name. I start January with the desire to name this humble blog. Which begs the question, “what is this blog about? What will I write about? Would I go

Rogues, Misfits Or Heroines?

Moments define, or rather they let us redefine who we are. We are all familiar with the story of Rosa Parks and how it contributed to the civil rights movement.


When I first worked at Apple, most of the people leading change were perfect. Perfect as in: went to a great prep school, ended up at an ivy league, had

Never Gender, Rank, Title

My son is reading Harry Potter and is literally devouring it. Soon, I’m thinking, he’ll reach Book 4, which poses a little problem. Not to be a spoiler or anything

“Bullet-Proof” Conversations

Dear friend: I realize i was quite anxious to see you last week and that surprised me a some level but as I reflected on it, I realize that I’ve